frozen waves

the waves froze on the Baltic Sea

Joseph Ceravolo
The wind is blowing west

A boisterous tide is coming up;
I was just looking at it.
The pail is near me
again. My shoulders have sand on them.
Round the edge of the tide
Is the shore. The shore
Is filled with waves.
They are tin waves.
Boisterous tide coming up.
The tide is getting less.


  1. awesome photos, that frozen sea, this weather... astonishing

  2. Wow, so pretty! I find sea so fascinating, since we don't have any here. :)

    1. thanks :) it's not so far though, you can always visit Poland :) to be honest, at home I don't see the sea so often either, but while I'm here in Riga it would be a pity not to indulge in that sight once in a while:)

  3. Wow, so gorgeous! Beautiful photography hun!


  4. This is so strange, a frozen beach, it is very hard for me to digest this images but they are beautiful, it truly is two antagonistic situations for me XD Oh and I love the look on the new blog, I am a huge fan of clean blogs I think I'll do something like this very soon (:

    1. thank you so much Sara :) I know, all my Spanish and Italian colleagues (there are no Portuguese though :< ) are shocked that the sea can actually freeze! but even I was amazed, because I've never seen it in my life^^

  5. WOW! Everything is frozen! You are enjoying the cold weather there while we are all barbeque-ing here in the super hot weather of Philippines :D

    1. Noooo! Hahahah :D I wish it was hot because I'm freezing all the time in this -20! It's so fascinating that the world is so diverse :)

  6. Wow, that looks amazing, beautiful pictures :) Good to see you're still around ;)

    1. Wow Marta! So nice to see you! I was recently on your blog and I worried about you! It's SOOOO good to see you!

  7. oh I love those photos! winter is not my favourite at all but all that sunshine in your photos is certainly enjoyable. I haven't even been near the sea this winter so I should probably fix that. a nice spa trip to some place by the sea would be awesome :P

    Maikeni blogi - part of me


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